


  • new field last_support_error returned by operation.info()
  • the errortype of operation objects (OperationReturn) is no longer null when operations are in SUPPORT or CANCEL step
  • operations in SUPPORT will now provide an error_type
  • new field version returned by domain.gandimail.info()
  • 2017-08-02 BREAKING CHANGE: ZoneRecordReturn id changed from int to string (due to XML-RPC limitations for the integer type being reached)


  • fixed an issue preventing domain deletion on some managed TLDs
  • when registries send an object status error with ‘PROHIBITED BY WRONG AUTH’ message raise a Transfer Error invalid_authcode instead of a Status Error
  • fix an issue for DE domains: during transfer+change-onership we did not provide the TRUSTEE extension when changing the ownership which caused the operation to fail. When restarted the operation would complete but the user would not have the trustee in place at the registry.
  • method domain.tld.list() now return a boolean ‘can_tld_lock’
  • enable new authcode management for FI domains related to change of ownership and transferout.
  • x-au_registrant_id_type extra parameter value ‘RBN’ is removed.


  • Send a notification for uk data validation which can use SNS protocol. This uses the new notification ‘domain.contact_validation’.
  • Relax zipcode validation rules for CA (make space optional), AR (accept 4 digits), NL (allow NL- optional prefix), BR (accept double or no dash)
  • Remove zipcode validation exception when country does not have a zipcode format



  • new field vm_id, type, bandwidth and iface_num returned by ip.list()
  • new filter vm_hostname and ~vm_hostname to used with ip.list()
  • new field can_migrate_to returned by datacenter.list()


  • new field visibility returned by paas.type.list()
  • new field console_info returned by paas.info()
  • existing field ssh_key accepted by paas.create() can now holds both a list and a single value of a raw SSH key(s)

