Operation API Reference

Every action on any of your resources is done by the means of an Operation.

You should use the operation.info() method to monitor the progress of your requested operation until its Step value is DONE to ensure that your operation is successfully finished.


operation.cancel(apikey, operation)

Cancel an operation.

Set the step of an operation to CANCEL.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • operation (int) – ID of the operation.

boolean – 1

operation.count(apikey[, opts=nil])

Count operations created by this contact.


int – Number of operations

operation.info(apikey, operation)

Get operation information.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • operation (int) – ID of the operation

struct – Operation information

operation.list(apikey[, opts=nil])

List operations created by this contact.


struct – List of operations

operation.relaunch(apikey, operation[, params=nil])

relaunch an operation.

Relaunch an operation and modify parameters.

It can be use for these types of operation: domain_create, domain_transfer_in, domain_ns_set, domain_transfer_reseller, domain_change_owner

New in version 3.1.7.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • operation (int) – ID of the operation.
  • params (struct) – Parameters

boolean – 1



parameter of operation.count() and operation.list()

Name Default Type Mandatory
<date_created   string no
<date_start   string no
<date_updated   string no
>date_created   string no
>date_start   string no
>date_updated   string no
cert.hostname   string no
cert_id   int or array of int no
contact_id   int no
date_created   string no
date_start   string no
date_updated   string no
disk.name   string no
disk_id   int no
domain   string no
id   int or array of int no
iface_id   int no
items_per_page 100 int no
number of items returned for the pagination
mbox_id   int no
paas.name   string no
paas_id   int no
page 0 int no
page number for pagination offset
site.name   string no
site_id   int no
sort_by   string no
used to sort returned items: cert.hostname, cert_id, contact_id, date_created, date_start, date_updated, disk.name, disk_id, domain, id, iface_id, mbox_id, paas.name, paas_id, site.name, site_id, step, type, vm.hostname, vm_id
step   string no
type   string no
vm.hostname   string no
vm_id   int no

parameter of operation.relaunch()

Name Default Type Mandatory
authinfo   string no
x-aero_ens_authid   string no
x-aero_ens_authkey   string no
x-al_id_number   string no
x-al_id_type   string no
x-al_vatid   string no
x-au_registrant_id_number   string no
x-au_registrant_id_type   string no
x-ax_business_number   string no
x-ax_id_number   string no
x-az_admin_pp_id   string no
x-az_billing_pp_id   string no
x-az_registrant_company_number   string no
x-az_registrant_pp_id   string no
x-az_tech_pp_id   string no
x-barcelona_intendeduse   string no
x-barcelona_trademarkid   string no
x-ca_business_entity_type   string no
x-ca_legaltype   string no
x-ca_official_rep   string no
x-ca_official_rep_capacity   string no
x-ca_owner_name   string no
x-cat_intendeduse   string no
x-cn_registrant_document_number   string no
x-cn_registrant_document_type   string no
x-coop_sponsor   string no
x-cy_reg_identity_no   string no
x-dk_admin_vatid   string no
x-dk_ident_number   string no
x-dk_registrant_vatid   string no
x-document_country   string no
x-document_type   string no
x-document_value   string no
x-ee_birthdate   string no
x-ee_company_number   string no
x-es_admin_identification   string no
x-es_admin_tipo_identification   string no
x-es_bill_identification   string no
x-es_bill_tipo_identification   string no
x-es_identification   string no
x-es_legalform   string no
x-es_owner_identification   string no
x-es_owner_legalform   string no
x-es_owner_tipo_identification   string no
x-es_tech_identification   string no
x-es_tech_tipo_identification   string no
x-es_tipo_identification   string no
x-eu_country_of_citizenship   string no
x-eus_intendeduse   string no
x-fi_birthdate   string no
x-fi_business_number   string no
x-fi_ident_number   string no
x-fi_isfinish   string no
x-fi_organization_type   string no
x-gal_intendeduse   string no
x-hk_registrant_birth_date   string no
x-hk_registrant_document_number   string no
x-hk_registrant_document_origin_country   string no
x-hk_registrant_document_type   string no
x-hk_registrant_other_document_type   string no
x-hr_ident_number   string no
x-hr_non_eu_pm_business_number   string no
x-hu_idnumber   string no
x-hu_owner_vatid   string no
x-ie_registrant_cro_number   string no
x-ie_registrant_supporting_number   string no
x-ie_registrant_type   string no
x-il_registrant_company_type   string no
x-it_nationality   string no
x-it_pin   string no
x-it_registrant_entity_type   string no
x-jobs_website   string no
x-kr_reg_identity_no   string no
x-lt_registrant_legal_id   string no
x-ltda_authority   string no
x-ltda_licensenumber   string no
x-lv_idnumber   string no
x-madrid_intendeduse   string no
x-my_admin_contact_password   string no
x-my_admin_contact_username   string no
x-my_business_number   string no
x-my_organization_type   string no
x-my_passport_number   string no
x-no_ident_number   string no
x-no_registrant_identity   string no
x-nu_registrant_idnumber   string no
x-nu_registrant_vatid   string no
x-nyc_extcontact   string no
x-pro_authority   string no
x-pro_authoritywebsite   string no
x-pro_licensenumber   string no
x-pro_profession   string no
x-promopixel_company_serial   string no
x-pt_admin_vatid   string no
x-pt_arbitration   string no
x-pt_registrant_vatid   string no
x-pt_roid   string no
x-pt_tech_vatid   string no
x-quebec_intendeduse   string no
x-radio_intendeduse   string no
x-ro_registrant_idnumber   string no
x-rs_company_number   string no
x-rs_reg_identity_no   string no
x-rs_reg_tax_no   string no
x-ru_registrant_birth_date   string no
x-ru_registrant_kpp   string no
x-ru_registrant_passport_data   string no
x-ru_registrant_tin   string no
x-sa_company_number   string no
x-scot_intendeduse   string no
x-se_ident_number   string no
x-se_registrant_vatid   string no
x-sg_idnumber   string no
x-sport_intendeduse   string no
x-srl_authority   string no
x-srl_licensenumber   string no
x-swiss_enterpriseid   string no
x-swiss_intendeduse   string no
x-travel_uin   string no
x-tw_company_number   string no
x-uk_co_no   string no
x-uk_contact_type   string no
x-us_app_purpose   string no
x-us_nexus_category   string no
x-vn_company_number   string no
x-vn_registrant_birth_date   string no
x-vn_registrant_ident_number   string no
x-vn_registrant_job   string no
x-vn_registrant_prefix   string no
x-xn–55qx5d_registrant_document_number   string no
x-xn--55qx5d_registrant_document_type   string no
x-xn–fiqs8s_registrant_document_number   string no
x-xn--fiqs8s_registrant_document_type   string no
x-xn–io0a7i_registrant_document_number   string no
x-xn--io0a7i_registrant_document_type   string no
x-xxx_membership_contact   string no
x-xxx_sponsored_community   string no
x-zuerich_uid_number   string no



returned by operation.list()

Name Type
date_created dateTime.iso8601
date_start dateTime.iso8601
date_updated dateTime.iso8601
errortype struct
classification of the error cause if the operation is in error (possible values for errortype defined behind)
eta int
estimated time of processing the operation
id int
infos array of struct
last_error string
last error of the operation
params struct
session_id int
session number for the operation
source string
contact who create the operation
step string
current step of the operation
type string
Possible Errors
Error identifier Type
authorization_error support_recoverable
An authorization error happened
duplicate fatal
The wanted object is duplicate
missing_parameter client_recoverable
There is a missing parameter
ratelimit temporary
The query was ratelimited
timeout temporary
The query timeout
unknown unknown