Contact API Reference



Get contact financial balance.

Parameters:apikey (string) – API connection key
Returns:struct – Financial balance
contact.can_associate(apikey, contact, params)

Check if a contact description can be associated to a domain.


boolean – 1 on success, 0 otherwise

contact.can_associate_domain(apikey, handle, params)

Check if a contact can be associated to a domain.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • handle (string) – Gandi handle
  • params (struct) – Parameters

boolean – 1 on success, 0 otherwise

contact.count(apikey[, opts=nil])

Count contacts associated to the one represented by apikey.

New in version 3.2.7.


Non reseller cannot have “associated” contacts and will always get 0 as result.


int – Number of contacts

contact.create(apikey, params)

Create a contact.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • params (struct) – Parameters

struct – Contact information

contact.delete(apikey[, handle=nil])

Delete a contact.

If no handle is provided, the contact represented by apikey is deleted.

New in version 3.1.9.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • handle (string) – Gandi handle

boolean – 1 if the operation succeed[, handle=nil])

Get contact information.

If no handle is provided, information about the contact represented by apikey are returned.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • handle (string) – Gandi handle

struct – Contact information

contact.list(apikey[, opts=nil])

List contacts associated to the one represented by apikey.


Non reseller cannot have “associated” contacts and will always get an empty result.


list of struct – Contact information

contact.release(apikey, handle)

Release a contact from a reseller account.

A reseller account may manage multiple contacts. This method allows releasing one of them.


Only resellers can use this method. It will have no effect for other kind of accounts.

New in version 3.2.9.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • handle (string) – Gandi handle of the contact to release

boolean – 1 if the operation succeed

contact.update(apikey, handle, params)

Update a contact.

If the contact is associated to some domains, the same rules as in can_associate_domain() will be applied, and the domains will be updated if possible.

If no handle is provided, information about the contact represented by apikey are returned.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • handle (string) – Gandi handle
  • params (struct) – Parameters

struct – Contact information, reachability)

Get Reachability information.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • reachability (struct) – The reachability

struct – Informations about the reachability

contact.reachability.resend(apikey, params)

Resend the reachability validation message to the contact. ICANN-accredited Registrars have to verify contact information. The contact.create(), contact.update() and domain.create() send messages to the created contact in order to validate its information. This method is about to resend immediately this verification message if the contact has not acknowledge the previous message. Use the to get the validation status of the contact.

New in version 3.3.14.

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • params (struct) – Parameters

boolean – 1 if succeed

contact.reachability.validate(apikey, valid_hash)

Validate the reachability, without being connected

  • apikey (string) – API connection key or empty
  • valid_hash (string) – The validation key

boolean – 1 if succeed

contact.autofoa.count(apikey[, opts=nil])

This method returns the number of Right Delegations associated to the Contact represented by apikey


this method works only for Reseller Contacts


int – number of AutoFoa

contact.autofoa.create(apikey, params)

This method creates a new Right Delegation and associates it to the Contact represented by apikey.

An email containing an authentication code used to activate Right Delegation will be sent upon completion of this call to the address for which the Delegation is being created.

The Right Delegation is created but not activated and can be activated using the link in the email or the API method.


this method works only for Reseller Contacts

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • params (struct) – Parameters

struct – AutoFoa

contact.autofoa.delete(apikey, autofoa_id)

Given an ID this method deletes an existing Right Delegation associated to the Contact represented by apikey.


this method works only for Reseller Contacts

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • autofoa_id (int) – AutoFoa unique identifier

boolean – 1

contact.autofoa.list(apikey[, opts=nil])

List all the Right Delegations associated to the Contact represented by apikey


this method works only for Reseller Contacts


struct – list of AutoFoa

contact.autofoa.validate(apikey, autofoa_id, code)

This method is used to validate a Right Delegation.

It takes an ID and the authentication code which have been sent to the email on which the Right Delegation is to be set-up and activates the Right Delegation.

This is an alternative to validating the Right Delegation through the web.


this method works only for Reseller Contacts

  • apikey (string) – API connection key
  • autofoa_id (int) – AutoFoa unique identifier
  • code (int) – AutoFoa code

boolean – 1



parameter of contact.can_associate_domain() and contact.can_associate()

Name Default Type Mandatory
domain   string yes
the domain tld
admin   boolean no
the domain admin contact
api-version 3 string no
bill   boolean no
the domain bill contact
context   string no
the context in which this call is made
extra_parameters   struct no
the extra parameters needed to get the domain
owner   boolean no
the domain owner contact
tech   boolean no
the domain tech contact
tld_phase golive string no
the phase in which you want to domain

used by ContactCheckDomain

Name Description
domain_transfer_in api.domain.domain_transfer_in
domain_create api.domain.create
domain_contact_change api.domain.contacts.set

used by ContactCheckDomain

Changed in version 3.3.38: keys x-vn_registrant_ident_number, x-my_passport_number, x-vn_registrant_prefix, x-dk_ident_number, x-no_ident_number, x-al_id_type, x-dk_registrant_vatid, x-vn_registrant_birth_date, x-ee_company_number, x-vn_company_number, x-xn--55qx5d_registrant_document_number, x-al_vatid, x-ax_business_number, x-sa_company_number, x-eu_country_of_citizenship, x-xn--io0a7i_registrant_document_number, x-al_id_number, x-xn--io0a7i_registrant_document_type, x-xn--fiqs8s_registrant_document_number, x-ax_id_number, x-fi_birthdate, x-cn_registrant_document_type, x-vn_registrant_job, x-dk_admin_vatid, x-zuerich_uid_number, x-xn--fiqs8s_registrant_document_type, x-ee_birthdate, x-xn--55qx5d_registrant_document_type, x-cn_registrant_document_number have been added.

Changed in version 3.3.37: keys x-az_admin_pp_id, x-az_registrant_pp_id, x-az_billing_pp_id, x-rs_company_number, x-it_nationality, x-az_registrant_company_number, x-tw_company_number, x-lt_registrant_legal_id, x-az_tech_pp_id have been added.
x-az_admin_pp_id parameter.
x-az_registrant_pp_id parameter.
x-az_billing_pp_id parameter.
x-it_nationality parameter.
x-az_registrant_company_number parameter.
x-lt_registrant_legal_id parameter.
x-az_tech_pp_id parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.36: keys x-uk_co_no, x-hr_non_eu_pm_business_number, x-it_registrant_entity_type, x-hr_ident_number, x-uk_contact_type have been added.
x-uk_co_no parameter.
x-it_registrant_entity_type parameter.
x-uk_contact_type parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.35: keys x-pt_tech_vatid, x-fi_isfinish, x-pt_admin_vatid, x-fi_organization_type have been added.
x-pt_tech_vatid parameter.
x-pt_admin_vatid parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.32: keys x-law_accreditation_id, x-law_jurisdiction_SP, x-law_accreditation_year, x-law_accreditation_body, x-law_jurisdiction_CC have been added.
x-law_accreditation_id parameter.
x-law_jurisdiction_SP parameter.
x-law_accreditation_year parameter.
x-law_accreditation_body parameter.
x-law_jurisdiction_CC parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.29: keys x-ca_official_rep_capacity, x-ca_official_rep have been added.
x-ca_official_rep_capacity parameter.
x-ca_official_rep parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.26: key x-ca_business_entity_type has been added.
x-ca_business_entity_type parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.23: keys x-es_tech_tipo_identification, x-es_owner_identification, x-es_bill_identification, x-es_admin_identification, x-es_bill_tipo_identification, x-es_owner_legalform, x-es_admin_tipo_identification, x-es_tech_identification, x-es_owner_tipo_identification have been added.
x-es_tech_tipo_identification parameter.
x-es_owner_identification parameter.
x-es_bill_identification parameter.
x-es_admin_identification parameter.
x-es_bill_tipo_identification parameter.
x-es_owner_legalform parameter.
x-es_admin_tipo_identification parameter.
x-es_tech_identification parameter.
x-es_owner_tipo_identification paramter.

Changed in version 3.3.19: keys x-es_tipo_identification, x-es_legalform, x-es_identification have been added.
x-es_tipo_identification parameter.
x-es_legalform parameter.
x-es_identification parameter.

Name Default Type Mandatory
birth_city   string no
contact birth city
birth_country   string no
contact birth country
birth_date   string no
contact birth date (YYYY-MM-DD)
birth_department   string no
contact birth department … or zipcode, use 99 if contact was born outside of France / DOM/TOM
brand_number   string no
company brand number
duns   string no
contact duns number
waldec   string no
contact waldec number
x-aero_ens_authid   string no
aero id (you can apply for an .aero id on
x-aero_ens_authkey   string no
aero password
x-al_id_number   string no
Id number used for AL registrant
x-al_id_type   string no
Type of document used for AL registrant
x-al_vatid   string no
VAT ID of AL registrant
x-au_registrant_id_number   string no
x-au_registrant_id_type   string no
owner’s document type
x-ax_business_number   string no
business ID for a Moral Person.
x-ax_id_number   string no
ID number of a Physical Person.
x-az_admin_pp_id   string no
ID number for a Physical Person admin contact
x-az_billing_pp_id   string no
ID number for a Physical Person billing contact
x-az_registrant_company_number   string no
Company number for a Moral Person registrant contact
x-az_registrant_pp_id   string no
ID number for a Physical Person registrant contact
x-az_tech_pp_id   string no
ID number for a Physical Person tech contact
x-barcelona_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-barcelona_trademarkid   string no
Local Trademark ID.
x-ca_business_entity_type   string no
business entity type
x-ca_legaltype   string no
owner’s legal type
x-ca_official_rep   string no
official representative (for LGR)
x-ca_official_rep_capacity   string no
official representative capacity (for LGR)
x-ca_owner_name   string no
owner name (deprecated)
x-cat_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-cn_registrant_document_number   string no
Associated ID / organization number for CNNIC identification, for .CN domains
x-cn_registrant_document_type   string no
Type of document used for CNNIC identification, for .CN domains
x-coop_sponsor   string no
Coop Verification Code obtained on the coop registry website (see (deprecated)
x-cy_reg_identity_no   string no
id card number or passport number if physical person, else registration number (SIREN)
x-dk_admin_vatid   string no
business ID for a Moral Person admin
x-dk_ident_number   string no
Danish personal identity number for individuals or companies. Individuals must match the format DDMMYY-NNNN where DD = day, MM = month, YY = century year and NNNN a 4-digits number. Companies must match the format NNNNNNNN
x-dk_registrant_vatid   string no
business ID for a Moral Person registrant
x-document_country   string no
Registrant’s country which issued the document
x-document_type   string no
Registrant’s document type
x-document_value   string no
Registrant’s document number
x-ee_birthdate   string no
Date of birth for EE physical person registrant
x-ee_company_number   string no
Company number for EE moral person registrant
x-es_admin_identification   string no
id of the admin contact
x-es_admin_tipo_identification   string no
type of id for admin
x-es_bill_identification   string no
id of the bill contact
x-es_bill_tipo_identification   string no
type of id for bill
x-es_identification   string no
id of the contact (deprecated)
x-es_legalform   string no
legal form of the organization (deprecated)
x-es_owner_identification   string no
id of the owner contact
x-es_owner_legalform   string no
legal form of the owner organization
x-es_owner_tipo_identification   string no
type of id for owner
x-es_tech_identification   string no
id of the tech contact
x-es_tech_tipo_identification   string no
type of id for tech
x-es_tipo_identification   string no
type of id (deprecated)
x-eu_country_of_citizenship   string no
Country of citizenship for registrant
x-eus_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-fi_birthdate   string no
Date of birth for non-FI physical person registrant
x-fi_business_number   string no
Registrant’s identification number for a moral person
x-fi_ident_number   string no
Registrant’s identification number for a physical person
x-fi_isfinish   string no
Whether or not domain registrant is Finish, for a physical or moral person
x-fi_organization_type   string no
Registrant organization type for a moral person
x-gal_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-hk_registrant_birth_date   string no
owner’s birth date (YYYY-MM-DD)
x-hk_registrant_document_number   string no
number of the above document
x-hk_registrant_document_origin_country   string no
country code (FR, GB, US…) of the origin country of the above document
x-hk_registrant_document_type   string no
owner’s document type
x-hk_registrant_other_document_type   string no
mandatory if x-hk_registrant_document_type is OTHIDV or OTHORG
x-hr_ident_number   string no
Croatian identification number (OIB)
x-hr_non_eu_pm_business_number   string no
Local business registration number for non european moral persons when they are a contact for a HR domain
x-hu_idnumber   string no
id card number or passport number of the physical person
x-hu_owner_vatid   string no
vatid of the moral person
x-ie_registrant_cro_number   string no
Companies Registration Office in case the registrant type ie COM
x-ie_registrant_supporting_number   string no
Identifier for a charity or a supporting number (RBN or VAT, for example) for CHA/OTH contact types (mandatory for CHA)
x-ie_registrant_type   string no
The contact’s Connection to Ireland (CTI) category that is used to indicate how the Registrant meets specific presence requirements (COM/CHA/OTH)
x-il_registrant_company_type   string no
x-it_nationality   string no
nationality of the owner
x-it_pin   string no
owner’s Italian fiscal code or the number of an identity document
x-it_registrant_entity_type   string no
owner entity type
x-jobs_website   string no
owner website information (deprecated)
x-kr_reg_identity_no   string no
Registrant’s Business Certificate No.(10-digit)/Residence Registration No.(13-digit)
x-lt_registrant_legal_id   string no
owner legal entity identification code
x-ltda_authority   string no
authority where the contact is registred
x-ltda_licensenumber   string no
licence number
x-lv_idnumber   string no
id card number or passport number if physical person, or registration number for latvian companies
x-madrid_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-my_admin_contact_password   string no
Admin contact password record (For transfer only)
x-my_admin_contact_username   string no
Admin contact username as per Whois record (For transfer only)
x-my_business_number   string no
Registrant’s Business Number
x-my_organization_type   string no
Registrant’s Organization Type
x-my_passport_number   string no
Registrant’s passport ID number
x-no_ident_number   string no
Norwegian personal identity number for individuals or companies. Individuals must match the format DDMMYY-NNNKK where DD = day, MM = month, YY = century year, NNN a 3-digits number and KK the first and second checksum digits to validate the number. Companies must match the format NNNNNNNNN
x-no_registrant_identity   string no
Personal identifier or organization number of the Norwegian organization (consisting of exactly 9 digits) (deprecated)
x-nu_registrant_idnumber   string no
Registrant’s id number or organization number
x-nu_registrant_vatid   string no
vatid of the moral person
x-nyc_extcontact   string no
Gandi Handle of the EXTContact
x-pro_authority   string no
authority where the contact is registred
x-pro_authoritywebsite   string no
link to the registration authority
x-pro_licensenumber   string no
licence number
x-pro_profession   string no
contact profession
x-promopixel_company_serial   string no
owner’s company serial (SIREN, SIRET, INSEE or RPPS)
x-pt_admin_vatid   string no
admin’s VAT for company or ID card number for individual
x-pt_arbitration   string no
true (default) or false as answer to whether or not the registry arbitration is accepted
x-pt_registrant_vatid   string no
owner’s VAT for company or ID card number for individual
x-pt_roid   string no
roid of the domain (in transfer process only)
x-pt_tech_vatid   string no
tech’s VAT for company or ID card number for individual
x-quebec_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-radio_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-ro_registrant_idnumber   string no
id card number or passport number if physical person, else registration number (SIREN)
x-rs_company_number   string no
The company’s number for Moral Person.
x-rs_reg_identity_no   string no
Registrant’s Residence Registration No. (13-digit)
x-rs_reg_tax_no   string no
Registrant’s GST/VAT number
x-ru_registrant_birth_date   string no
owner’s birth date (YYYY-MM-DD)
x-ru_registrant_kpp   string no
Territory-linked taxpayer number for PM registrants
x-ru_registrant_passport_data   string no
The number of the identity proof
x-ru_registrant_tin   string no
Taxpayer identification number for PM registrants
x-sa_company_number   string no
Company number for SA moral person registrant
x-scot_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-se_ident_number   string no
Swedish personal identity or organisational number or passport number, or id card number for individuals outside of Sweden
x-se_registrant_vatid   string no
vatid of the moral person
x-sg_idnumber   string no
Registrant’s id number
x-sport_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-srl_authority   string no
authority where the contact is registred
x-srl_licensenumber   string no
licence number
x-swiss_enterpriseid   string no
Swiss UID/IDE/IDI (ie. “”)
x-swiss_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-travel_uin   string no
an Unique Identification Number (deprecated)
x-tw_company_number   string no
The company’s number for Moral Person.
x-uk_co_no   string no
The registered company number or the DfES UK school number of the registrant, mandatory for UK contact types LTD/PLC/LLP/IP/SCH/RCHAR.
x-uk_contact_type   string no
Contact type as defined at NOMINET
x-us_app_purpose   string no
Domain application purpose
x-us_nexus_category   string no
Applicant category
x-vn_company_number   string no
Moral Person company number.
x-vn_registrant_birth_date   string no
Birth date (YYYY-MM-DD) of registrant if Physical Person
x-vn_registrant_ident_number   string no
ID number of a Physical Person.
x-vn_registrant_job   string no
Registrant Job
x-vn_registrant_prefix   string no
Honorifics/personal title of Physical Person
x-xn–55qx5d_registrant_document_number   string no
Associated ID / organization number for CNNIC identification, for .xn–55qx5d
x-xn--55qx5d_registrant_document_type   string no
Type of document used for CNNIC identification, for .xn–55qx5d domains
x-xn–fiqs8s_registrant_document_number   string no
Associated ID / organization number for CNNIC identification, for .xn–fiqs8s domains
x-xn--fiqs8s_registrant_document_type   string no
Type of document used for CNNIC identification, for .xn–fiqs8s domains
x-xn–io0a7i_registrant_document_number   string no
Associated ID / organization number for CNNIC identification, for .xn–io0a7i
x-xn--io0a7i_registrant_document_type   string no
Type of document used for CNNIC identification, for .xn–io0a7i domains
x-xxx_membership_contact   string no
owner contact membership ID, obtained on the xxx registry website.
x-xxx_sponsored_community   string no
yes or no as answer to whether or not the owner is a member of the .XXX Adult Industry Sponsored Community
x-zuerich_uid_number   string no
Business Identification Number used in Switzerland (Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer)

used by ContactCreateFormDescription and ContactUpdateFormDescription

Name Description
ACT Australian Capital Territory
NSW New South Wales
NT Northern Territory
QLD Queensland
SA South Australia
TAS Tasmania
VIC Victoria
WA Western Australia
YT Yukon Territory
AB Alberta
BC British Columbia
MB Manitoba
NB New Brunswick
NL Newfoundland and Labrador
NS Nova Scotia
NT Northwest Territories
NU Nunavut
ON Ontario
PE Prince Edward Island
QC Quebec
SK Saskatchewan
YK Yukon
A Alicante
AB Albacete
AL Almeria
AV Avila
B Barcelona
BA Badajoz
BI Vizcaya
BU Burgos
C A Coruna
CA Cadiz
CC Caceres
CE Ceuta
CO Cordoba
CR Ciudad Real
CS Castellon
CU Cuenca
GC Las Palmas
GI Girona
GR Granada
GU Guadalajara
H Huelva
HU Huesca
J Jaen
L Lleida
LE Leon
LO La Rioja
LU Lugo
M Madrid (deprecated)
MA Malaga
MD Madrid
ML Melilla
MU Murcia
NA Navarra
O Asturias
OR Ourense
P Palencia
PM Baleares
PO Pontevedra
S Cantabria
SA Salamanca
SE Sevilla
SG Segovia
SO Soria
SS Guipuzcoa
T Tarragona
TE Teruel
TF Santa Cruz de Tenerife
TO Toledo
V Valencia
VA Valladolid
VI Alava
Z Zaragoza
ZA Zamora
01 Guadeloupe
02 Martinique
03 Guyane
04 La Reunion
06 Mayotte
11 Ile-de-France
21 Champagne-Ardenne
22 Picardie
23 Haute-Normandie
24 Centre-Val de Loire
25 Basse-Normandie
26 Bourgogne
27 Bourgogne-France-Comte
28 Normandie
31 Nord-Pas-de-Calais
32 Hauts-de-France
41 Lorraine
42 Alsace
43 Franche-Comte
44 Grand-Est
52 Pays de la Loire
53 Bretagne
54 Poitou-Charentes
72 Aquitaine
73 Midi-Pyrenees
74 Limousin
75 Nouvelle-Aquitaine
76 Occitanie
82 Rhone-Alpes
83 Auvergne
84 Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes
91 Languedoc-Roussillon
93 Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur
94 Corse
BL Saint-Barthelemy
MF Saint-Martin
  United Kingdom
ABC Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon
ABD Aberdeenshire
ABE Aberdeen city
AE Alderney
AGB Argyll and Bute
AGY Isle of Anglesey; Sir Ynys Mon
AH Armagh
AM Antrim
AN Avon
AND Ards and North Down
ANN Antrim and Newtownabbey
ANS Angus
BAS Bath and North-East Somerset
BBD Blackburn with Darwen
BDF Bedford
BE Berkshire
BF Bedfordshire
BFS Belfast
BGE Bridgend; Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
BGW Blaenau Gwent
BIR Birmingham
BKM Buckinghamshire
BMH Bournemouth
BNH Brighton and Hove
BNS Barnsley
BOL Bolton
BPL Blackpool
BRC Bracknell Forest
BRD Bradford
BS Borders
BST Bristol city
BUR Bury
CA Cumbria
CAM Cambridgeshire
CAY Caerphilly; Caerffili
CBF Central Bedfordshire
CCG Causeway Coast and Glens
CD Clwyd
CE Cambridgeshire
CGN Ceredigion; Sir Ceredigion
CHE Cheshire East
CHW Cheshire West and Chester
CL Cleveland
CLD Calderdale
CLK Clackmannanshire
CMA Cumbria
CMN Carmarthenshire; Sir Gaerfyrddin
CON Cornwall
COV Coventry
CRF Cardiff; Caerdydd
CS Cheshire
CT Central
CW Cornwall
CWY Conwy
DAL Darlington
DBY Derbyshire
DD Dyfed
DE Derbyshire
DEN Denbighshire; Sir Ddinbych
DER Derby
DEV Devon
DG Dumfries & Galloway
DGY Dumfries and Galloway
DM Durham
DN Down
DNC Doncaster
DND Dundee city
DOR Dorset
DRS Derry and Strabane
DT Dorset
DUD Dudley
DUR Durham County
DV Devon
DY Derry
EAY East Ayrshire
EDH Edimbourg city
EDU East Dunbartonshire
ELN East Lothian
ELS Eilean Siar
ERW East Renfrewshire
ERY East Riding of Yorkshire
ES East Sussex
ESS Essex
ESX East Sussex
EX Essex
FAL Falkirk
FE Fife
FH Fermanagh
FIF Fife
FLN Flintshire; Sir y Fflint
FMO Fermanagh and Omagh
GAT Gateshead
GD Gwynedd
GE Gloucestershire
GL Greater London
GLG Glasgow city
GLS Gloucestershire
GM Greater Manchester
GN Grampian
GT Gwent
GWN Gwynedd
GY Guernsey
HAL Halton
HAM Hampshire
HD Highland
HE Hampshire
HEF Herefordshire
HLD Highland
HPL Hartlepool
HRT Hertfordshire
HS Hertfordshire
HU Humberside
HW Hereford & Worcester
IJ Buckinghamshire
IM Isle Of Man
IOS Isles of Scilly
IOW Isle of Wight
IVC Inverclyde
IW Isle of Wight
JY Jersey
KEN Kent
KHL Kingston upon Hull
KIR Kirklees
KT Kent
KWL Knowsley
LAN Lancashire
LBC Lisburn and Castlereagh
LCE Leicester
LDS Leeds
LE Lancashire
LEC Leicestershire
LI Lincolnshire
LIN Lincolnshire
LIV Liverpool
LN Lothian
LND London city
LS Leicestershire
LUT Luton
MAN Manchester
MDB Middlesbrough
MDW Medway
ME Merseyside
MEA Mid and East Antrim
MG Mid Glamorgan
MIK Milton Keynes
MLN Midlothian
MON Monmouthshire; Sir Fynwy
MRY Moray
MTY Merthyr Tydfil; Merthyr Tudful
MUL Mid Ulster
MX Middlesex
NAY North Ayrshire
NBL Northumberland
ND Northumberland
NE Nottinghamshire
NEL North East Lincolnshire
NET Newcastle upon Tyne
NFK Norfolk
NGM Nottingham
NK Norfolk
NLK North Lanarkshire
NLN North Lincolnshire
NMD Newry, Mourne and Down
NS Northamptonshire
NSM North Somerset
NTH Northamptonshire
NTL Neath Port Talbot; Castell-nedd Port Talbot
NTT Nottinghamshire
NTY North Tyneside
NWP Newport; Casnewydd
NY North Yorkshire
NYK North Yorkshire
OE Oxfordshire
OLD Oldham
ORK Orkney islands
OXF Oxfordshire
OY Orkney
PEM Pembrokeshire; Sir Benfro
PKN Perth and Kinross
PLY Plymouth
POL Poole
POR Portsmouth
POW Powys
PS Powys
PTE Peterborough
RCC Redcar and Cleveland
RCH Rochdale
RCT Rhondda, Cynon, Taff; Rhondda, Cynon, Taf
RDG Reading
RFW Renfrewshire
ROT Rotherham
RUT Rutland
SAW Sandwell
SAY South Ayrshire
SC Strathclyde
SCB Scottish Borders
SD Shetland
SE Staffordshire
SFK Suffolk
SFT Sefton
SG South Glamorgan
SGC South Gloucestershire
SHF Sheffield
SHN St Helens
SHR Shropshire
SK Suffolk
SKP Stockport
SL Scotland
SLF Salford
SLG Slough
SLK South Lanarkshire
SND Sunderland
SOL Solihull
SOM Somerset
SOS Southend-on-Sea
SR Surrey
SRY Surrey
SS Shropshire
ST Somerset
STE Stoke-on-Trent
STG Stirling
STH Southampton
STS Staffordshire
STT Stockton-on-Tees
STY South Tyneside
SWA Swansea; Abertawe
SWD Swindon
SX Sussex
SY South Yorkshire
TAM Tameside
TE Tyrone
TFW Telford and Wrekin
THR Thurrock
TOB Torbay
TOF Torfaen; Tor-faen
TRF Trafford
TS Tayside
TW Tyne & Wear
VGL Vale of Glamorgan, The; Bro Morgannwg
WA Wales
WAR Warwickshire
WBK West Berkshire
WDU West Dunbartonshire
WE Warwickshire
WG West Glamorgan
WGN Wigan
WI Western Isles
WIL Wiltshire
WKF Wakefield
WL West Lothian
WLL Walsall
WLN West Lothian
WLV Wolverhampton
WM West Midlands
WNM Windsor and Maidenhead
WOK Wokingham
WOR Worcestershire
WR Wiltshire
WRL Wirral
WRT Warrington
WRX Wrexham; Wrecsam
WS West Sussex
WSX West Sussex
WY West Yorkshire
YOR York
ZET Shetland islands
GR-A Anatoliki Makedonia kai Thraki
GR-B Kentriki Makedonia
GR-C Dytiki Makedonia
GR-D Ipeiros
GR-E Thessalia
GR-F Ionia Nisia
GR-G Dytiki Ellada
GR-H Sterea Ellada
GR-I Attica
GR-J Peloponnisos
GR-K Voreio Aigaio
GR-L Notio Aigaio
GR-M Kriti
C Cork
CE Clare
CN Cavan
CO Cork
CW Carlow
D Dublin
DL Donegal
G Galway
KE Kildare
KK Kilkenny
KY Kerry
LD Longford
LH Louth
LK Limerick
LM Leitrim
LS Laois
M Munster
MH Meath
MN Monaghan
MO Mayo
MP Mayo
OY Offaly
RN Roscommon
SO Sligo
T Tipperary
TA Tipperary
U Ulster
W Waterford
WD Waterford
WH Westmeath
WW Wicklow
WX Wexford
AN Andaman and Nicobar Islands
AP Andhra Pradesh
AR Arunachal Pradesh
AS Assam
BR Bihar
CH Chandigarh
CT Chhattisgarh
DD Daman and Diu (deprecated)
DL Delhi
DN Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
GA Goa
GJ Gujarat
GO Goa
HP Himachal Pradesh
HR Haryana
JH Jharkhand
JK Jammu and Kashmir
KA Karnataka
KL Kerala
LA Ladakh
LD Lakshadweep
MA Maharashtra
ML Meghalaya
MN Manipur
MP Madhya Pradesh
MZ Mizoram
NL Nagaland
OR Odisha
PB Punjab
PY Puducherry
RJ Rajasthan
SK Sikkim
TG Telangana
TN Tamil Nadu
TR Tripura
UP Uttar Pradesh
UT Uttarakhand
WB West Bengal
67 Molise
AG Agrigento
AL Alessandria
AN Ancona
AO Aosta
AP Ascoli Piceno
AQ L’Aquila
AR Arezzo
AT Asti
AV Avellino
BA Bari
BG Bergamo
BI Biella
BL Belluno
BN Benevento
BO Bologna
BR Brindisi
BS Brescia
BT Barletta-Andria-Trani
BZ Bolzano
CA Cagliari
CB Campobasso
CE Caserta
CH Chieti
CI Carbonia-Iglesias
CL Caltanissetta
CN Cuneo
CO Como
CR Cremona
CS Cosenza
CT Catania
CZ Catanzaro
EN Enna
FC Forli-Cesena
FE Ferrara
FG Foggia
FI Firenze
FM Fermo
FR Frosinone
GE Genova
GO Gorizia
GR Grosseto
IM Imperia
IS Isernia
KR Crotone
LC Lecco
LE Lecce
LI Livorno
LO Lodi
LT Latina
LU Lucca
MB Monza et Brianza
MC Macerata
ME Messina
MI Milano
MN Mantova
MO Modena
MS Massa Carrara
MT Matera
NA Napoli
NO Novara
NU Nuoro
OG Ogliastra
OR Oristano
OT Olbia
PA Palermo
PC Piacenza
PD Padova
PE Pescara
PG Perugia
PI Pisa
PN Pordenone
PO Prato
PR Parma
PT Pistoia
PU Pesaro-Urbino
PV Pavia
PZ Potenza
RA Ravenna
RC Reggio Calabria
RE Reggio Emilia
RG Ragusa
RI Rieti
RM Roma
RN Rimini
RO Rovigo
RSM San Marin
SA Salerno
SI Siena
SO Sondrio
SP La Spezia
SR Siracusa
SS Sassari
SV Savona
TA Taranto
TE Teramo
TN Trento
TO Torino
TP Trapani
TR Terni
TS Trieste
TV Treviso
UD Udine
VA Varese
VB Verbania
VC Vercelli
VE Venezia
VI Vicenza
VR Verona
VS Medio Campidano
VT Viterbo
VV Vibo Valentia
JP-01 Hokkaido
JP-02 Aomori
JP-03 Iwate
JP-04 Miyagi
JP-05 Akita
JP-06 Yamagata
JP-07 Fukushima
JP-08 Ibaraki
JP-09 Tochigi
JP-10 Gunma
JP-11 Saitama
JP-12 Chiba
JP-13 Tokyo
JP-14 Kanagawa
JP-15 Niigata
JP-16 Toyama
JP-17 Ishikawa
JP-18 Fukui
JP-19 Yamanashi
JP-20 Nagano
JP-21 Gifu
JP-22 Shizuoka
JP-23 Aichi
JP-24 Mie
JP-25 Shiga
JP-26 Kyoto
JP-27 Osaka
JP-28 Hyogo
JP-29 Nara
JP-30 Wakayama
JP-31 Tottori
JP-32 Shimane
JP-33 Okayama
JP-34 Hiroshima
JP-35 Yamaguchi
JP-36 Tokushima
JP-37 Kagawa
JP-38 Ehime
JP-39 Kochi
JP-40 Fukuoka
JP-41 Saga
JP-42 Nagasaki
JP-43 Kumamoto
JP-44 Oita
JP-45 Miyazaki
JP-46 Kagoshima
JP-47 Okinawa
AG Aguascalientes
BC Baja California
BS Baja California Sur
CH Chihuahua
CL Colima
CM Campeche
CO Coahuila
CS Chiapas
DF Distrito Federal
DG Durango
GR Guerrero
GT Guanajuato
HG Hidalgo
JA Jalisco
ME Mexico
MI Michoacan
MO Morelos
NA Nayarit
NL Nuevo Leon
OA Oaxaca
PB Puebla
QE Queretaro
QR Quintana Roo
SI Sinaloa
SL San Luis Potosi
SO Sonora
TB Tabasco
TL Tlaxcala
TM Tamaulipas
VE Veracruz
YU Yucatan
ZA Zacatecas
01 Aveiro
02 Beja
03 Braga
04 Braganca
05 Castelo Branco
06 Coimbra
07 Evora
08 Faro
09 Guarda
10 Leiria
11 Lisboa
12 Portalegre
13 Porto
14 Santarem
15 Setubal
16 Viana do Castelo
17 Vila Real
18 Viseu
20 Regiao Autonoma dos Acores
30 Regiao Autonoma da Madeira
  United States of America
AK Alaska
AL Alabama
AR Arkansas
AS American Samoa
AZ Arizona
CA California
CM No. Mariana Islands
CO Colorado
CT Connecticut
DC Dist. of Columbia
DE Delaware
FL Florida
GA Georgia
GU Guam
HI Hawaii
IA Iowa
ID Idaho
IL Illinois
IN Indiana
KS Kansas
KY Kentucky
LA Louisiana
MA Massachusetts
MD Maryland
ME Maine
MI Michigan
MN Minnesota
MO Missouri
MS Mississippi
MT Montana
NC North Carolina
ND North Dakota
NE Nebraska
NH New Hampshire
NJ New Jersey
NM New Mexico
NV Nevada
NY New York
OH Ohio
OK Oklahoma
OR Oregon
PA Pennsylvania
PR Puerto Rico
RI Rhode Island
SC South Carolina
SD South Dakota
TN Tennessee
TT Trust Territory
TX Texas
UT Utah
VA Virginia
VI Virgin Islands
VT Vermont
WA Washington
WI Wisconsin
WV West Virginia
WY Wyoming

parameter of catalog.list()

used by DomainCreate, DomainPriceOptions, DomainRenew, DomainRestore, DomainTransfer, PrepaidReturn and TldSuggestListFoOptions

Name Description
EUR Euro
USD United States Dollar
GBP Great Britain Pound
TWD New Taiwan Dollar
CNY Chinese Yuan
CHF Swiss Franc
SGD Singapore Dollar
HKD Hong Kong Dollar
JPY Japanese Yen
AUD Australian Dollar
NZD New Zealand Dollar
SEK Swedish Krona
NOK Norwegian Krone
TRY Turkish Lira
INR Indian Rupee
CAD Canadian Dollar
RUB Russian ruble

used by ContactReturn

Name Type
forbidden_tlds array
id int
name string

used by BalanceReturn

Name Type
default int

used by ContactReturn

Name Description
pending There is a current contact validation.
done There have been a contact validation.
failed The contact validation has not been done in time.
none No contact validation process exists for this contact.

used by ContactReturn

Name Description
pending The reachability is currently processed, 15 days after it was created in pending, the gTLD domains this contact own will be held.
done The reachability was validated, until there is an email change this will stay in done.
failed The reachability went to its end, all the gTLD domains are held.
none No reachability was launch for this contact, when a new reachability will be created (when buying, transfering or changing the owner of a domain), if its email address is already validated (several contact with the same address), it will directly be created in done, else it will be created in pending.

used by ContactReturn

Name Default Type Mandatory
city   string no
country   string no
family   string no
given   string no
orgname   string no
state   string no
streetaddr   string no
streetaddr2   string no
zip   string no

parameter of contact.can_associate() and contact.create()

Name Default Type Mandatory
city   string yes
country   string yes
email   string yes
family   string yes
given   string yes
password   string yes
phone   string yes
streetaddr   string yes
type   string yes
accept_contract True boolean no
brand_number   string no
data_obfuscated True boolean no
GDPR opt in/out
extra_parameters   struct no
fax   string no
jo_announce_number   int or string no
jo_announce_page   int or string no
jo_declaration_date   string no
jo_publication_date   string no
lang   string no
mail_obfuscated   int, boolean or string no
Use Anti-spam email
mobile   string no
newsletter   int, boolean or string no
security_question_answer   string no
security_question_num   int or string no
siren   string no
state   string no
third_part_resell   int, boolean or string no
vat_number   string no
zip   string no

parameter of contact.count() and contact.list()

Name Default Type Mandatory
<date_updated   string no
>date_updated   string no
city   array of string or string no
country   string no
date_updated   string no
email   array of string or string no
family   array of string or string no
given   array of string or string no
handle   array of string or string no
items_per_page 100 int no
number of items returned for the pagination
orgname   array of string or string no
page 0 int no
page number for pagination offset
sort_by   string no
used to sort returned items: city, country, date_updated, email, family, given, handle, orgname, streetaddr, type, zip
streetaddr   array of string or string no
type   string no
zip   array of string or string no
~email   string no
~family   string no
~given   string no
~handle   string no
~orgname   string no

parameter of contact.update()

Name Default Type Mandatory
accept_contract True boolean no
brand_number   string no
city   string no
country   string no
data_obfuscated True boolean no
email   string no
extra_parameters   struct no
family   string no
fax   string no
given   string no
jo_announce_number   int or string no
jo_announce_page   int or string no
jo_declaration_date   string no
jo_publication_date   string no
lang   string no
mail_obfuscated   int, boolean or string no
mobile   string no
newsletter   int, boolean or string no
phone   string no
security_question_answer   string no
security_question_num   int or string no
siren   string no
state   string no
streetaddr   string no
third_part_resell   int, boolean or string no
vat_number   string no
zip   string no

used by ContactCreateFormDescription and ContactUpdateFormDescription

Changed in version 3.3.38: keys x-vn_registrant_ident_number, x-my_passport_number, x-vn_registrant_prefix, x-dk_ident_number, x-no_ident_number, x-al_id_type, x-dk_registrant_vatid, x-vn_registrant_birth_date, x-ee_company_number, x-vn_company_number, x-xn--55qx5d_registrant_document_number, x-al_vatid, x-ax_business_number, x-sa_company_number, x-eu_country_of_citizenship, x-xn--io0a7i_registrant_document_number, x-al_id_number, x-xn--io0a7i_registrant_document_type, x-xn--fiqs8s_registrant_document_number, x-ax_id_number, x-fi_birthdate, x-cn_registrant_document_type, x-vn_registrant_job, x-dk_admin_vatid, x-zuerich_uid_number, x-xn--fiqs8s_registrant_document_type, x-ee_birthdate, x-xn--55qx5d_registrant_document_type, x-cn_registrant_document_number have been added.

Changed in version 3.3.37: keys x-az_admin_pp_id, x-az_registrant_pp_id, x-az_billing_pp_id, x-rs_company_number, x-it_nationality, x-az_registrant_company_number, x-tw_company_number, x-lt_registrant_legal_id, x-az_tech_pp_id have been added.
x-az_admin_pp_id parameter.
x-az_registrant_pp_id parameter.
x-az_billing_pp_id parameter.
x-it_nationality parameter.
x-az_registrant_company_number parameter.
x-lt_registrant_legal_id parameter.
x-az_tech_pp_id parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.36: keys x-uk_co_no, x-hr_non_eu_pm_business_number, x-it_registrant_entity_type, x-hr_ident_number, x-uk_contact_type have been added.
x-uk_co_no parameter.
x-it_registrant_entity_type parameter.
x-uk_contact_type parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.35: keys x-pt_tech_vatid, x-fi_isfinish, x-pt_admin_vatid, x-fi_organization_type have been added.
x-pt_tech_vatid parameter.
x-pt_admin_vatid parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.32: keys x-law_accreditation_id, x-law_jurisdiction_SP, x-law_accreditation_year, x-law_accreditation_body, x-law_jurisdiction_CC have been added.
x-law_accreditation_id parameter.
x-law_jurisdiction_SP parameter.
x-law_accreditation_year parameter.
x-law_accreditation_body parameter.
x-law_jurisdiction_CC parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.29: keys x-ca_official_rep_capacity, x-ca_official_rep have been added.
x-ca_official_rep_capacity parameter.
x-ca_official_rep parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.26: key x-ca_business_entity_type has been added.
x-ca_business_entity_type parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.23: keys x-es_tech_tipo_identification, x-es_owner_identification, x-es_bill_identification, x-es_admin_identification, x-es_bill_tipo_identification, x-es_owner_legalform, x-es_admin_tipo_identification, x-es_tech_identification, x-es_owner_tipo_identification have been added.
x-es_tech_tipo_identification parameter.
x-es_owner_identification parameter.
x-es_bill_identification parameter.
x-es_admin_identification parameter.
x-es_bill_tipo_identification parameter.
x-es_owner_legalform parameter.
x-es_admin_tipo_identification parameter.
x-es_tech_identification parameter.
x-es_owner_tipo_identification paramter.

Changed in version 3.3.19: keys x-es_tipo_identification, x-es_legalform, x-es_identification have been added.
x-es_tipo_identification parameter.
x-es_legalform parameter.
x-es_identification parameter.

Name Default Type Mandatory
birth_city   string no
contact birth city
birth_country   string no
contact birth country
birth_date   string no
contact birth date (YYYY-MM-DD)
birth_department   string no
contact birth department … or zipcode, use 99 if contact was born outside of France / DOM/TOM
brand_number   string no
company brand number
duns   string no
contact duns number
waldec   string no
contact waldec number
x-aero_ens_authid   string no
aero id (you can apply for an .aero id on
x-aero_ens_authkey   string no
aero password
x-al_id_number   string no
Id number used for AL registrant
x-al_id_type   string no
Type of document used for AL registrant
x-al_vatid   string no
VAT ID of AL registrant
x-au_registrant_id_number   string no
x-au_registrant_id_type   string no
owner’s document type
x-ax_business_number   string no
business ID for a Moral Person.
x-ax_id_number   string no
ID number of a Physical Person.
x-az_admin_pp_id   string no
ID number for a Physical Person admin contact
x-az_billing_pp_id   string no
ID number for a Physical Person billing contact
x-az_registrant_company_number   string no
Company number for a Moral Person registrant contact
x-az_registrant_pp_id   string no
ID number for a Physical Person registrant contact
x-az_tech_pp_id   string no
ID number for a Physical Person tech contact
x-barcelona_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-barcelona_trademarkid   string no
Local Trademark ID.
x-ca_business_entity_type   string no
business entity type
x-ca_legaltype   string no
owner’s legal type
x-ca_official_rep   string no
official representative (for LGR)
x-ca_official_rep_capacity   string no
official representative capacity (for LGR)
x-ca_owner_name   string no
owner name (deprecated)
x-cat_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-cn_registrant_document_number   string no
Associated ID / organization number for CNNIC identification, for .CN domains
x-cn_registrant_document_type   string no
Type of document used for CNNIC identification, for .CN domains
x-coop_sponsor   string no
Coop Verification Code obtained on the coop registry website (see (deprecated)
x-cy_reg_identity_no   string no
id card number or passport number if physical person, else registration number (SIREN)
x-dk_admin_vatid   string no
business ID for a Moral Person admin
x-dk_ident_number   string no
Danish personal identity number for individuals or companies. Individuals must match the format DDMMYY-NNNN where DD = day, MM = month, YY = century year and NNNN a 4-digits number. Companies must match the format NNNNNNNN
x-dk_registrant_vatid   string no
business ID for a Moral Person registrant
x-document_country   string no
Registrant’s country which issued the document
x-document_type   string no
Registrant’s document type
x-document_value   string no
Registrant’s document number
x-ee_birthdate   string no
Date of birth for EE physical person registrant
x-ee_company_number   string no
Company number for EE moral person registrant
x-es_admin_identification   string no
id of the admin contact
x-es_admin_tipo_identification   string no
type of id for admin
x-es_bill_identification   string no
id of the bill contact
x-es_bill_tipo_identification   string no
type of id for bill
x-es_identification   string no
id of the contact (deprecated)
x-es_legalform   string no
legal form of the organization (deprecated)
x-es_owner_identification   string no
id of the owner contact
x-es_owner_legalform   string no
legal form of the owner organization
x-es_owner_tipo_identification   string no
type of id for owner
x-es_tech_identification   string no
id of the tech contact
x-es_tech_tipo_identification   string no
type of id for tech
x-es_tipo_identification   string no
type of id (deprecated)
x-eu_country_of_citizenship   string no
Country of citizenship for registrant
x-eus_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-fi_birthdate   string no
Date of birth for non-FI physical person registrant
x-fi_business_number   string no
Registrant’s identification number for a moral person
x-fi_ident_number   string no
Registrant’s identification number for a physical person
x-fi_isfinish   string no
Whether or not domain registrant is Finish, for a physical or moral person
x-fi_organization_type   string no
Registrant organization type for a moral person
x-gal_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-hk_registrant_birth_date   string no
owner’s birth date (YYYY-MM-DD)
x-hk_registrant_document_number   string no
number of the above document
x-hk_registrant_document_origin_country   string no
country code (FR, GB, US…) of the origin country of the above document
x-hk_registrant_document_type   string no
owner’s document type
x-hk_registrant_other_document_type   string no
mandatory if x-hk_registrant_document_type is OTHIDV or OTHORG
x-hr_ident_number   string no
Croatian identification number (OIB)
x-hr_non_eu_pm_business_number   string no
Local business registration number for non european moral persons when they are a contact for a HR domain
x-hu_idnumber   string no
id card number or passport number of the physical person
x-hu_owner_vatid   string no
vatid of the moral person
x-ie_registrant_cro_number   string no
Companies Registration Office in case the registrant type ie COM
x-ie_registrant_supporting_number   string no
Identifier for a charity or a supporting number (RBN or VAT, for example) for CHA/OTH contact types (mandatory for CHA)
x-ie_registrant_type   string no
The contact’s Connection to Ireland (CTI) category that is used to indicate how the Registrant meets specific presence requirements (COM/CHA/OTH)
x-il_registrant_company_type   string no
x-it_nationality   string no
nationality of the owner
x-it_pin   string no
owner’s Italian fiscal code or the number of an identity document
x-it_registrant_entity_type   string no
owner entity type
x-jobs_website   string no
owner website information (deprecated)
x-kr_reg_identity_no   string no
Registrant’s Business Certificate No.(10-digit)/Residence Registration No.(13-digit)
x-lt_registrant_legal_id   string no
owner legal entity identification code
x-ltda_authority   string no
authority where the contact is registred
x-ltda_licensenumber   string no
licence number
x-lv_idnumber   string no
id card number or passport number if physical person, or registration number for latvian companies
x-madrid_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-my_admin_contact_password   string no
Admin contact password record (For transfer only)
x-my_admin_contact_username   string no
Admin contact username as per Whois record (For transfer only)
x-my_business_number   string no
Registrant’s Business Number
x-my_organization_type   string no
Registrant’s Organization Type
x-my_passport_number   string no
Registrant’s passport ID number
x-no_ident_number   string no
Norwegian personal identity number for individuals or companies. Individuals must match the format DDMMYY-NNNKK where DD = day, MM = month, YY = century year, NNN a 3-digits number and KK the first and second checksum digits to validate the number. Companies must match the format NNNNNNNNN
x-no_registrant_identity   string no
Personal identifier or organization number of the Norwegian organization (consisting of exactly 9 digits) (deprecated)
x-nu_registrant_idnumber   string no
Registrant’s id number or organization number
x-nu_registrant_vatid   string no
vatid of the moral person
x-nyc_extcontact   string no
Gandi Handle of the EXTContact
x-pro_authority   string no
authority where the contact is registred
x-pro_authoritywebsite   string no
link to the registration authority
x-pro_licensenumber   string no
licence number
x-pro_profession   string no
contact profession
x-promopixel_company_serial   string no
owner’s company serial (SIREN, SIRET, INSEE or RPPS)
x-pt_admin_vatid   string no
admin’s VAT for company or ID card number for individual
x-pt_arbitration   string no
true (default) or false as answer to whether or not the registry arbitration is accepted
x-pt_registrant_vatid   string no
owner’s VAT for company or ID card number for individual
x-pt_roid   string no
roid of the domain (in transfer process only)
x-pt_tech_vatid   string no
tech’s VAT for company or ID card number for individual
x-quebec_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-radio_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-ro_registrant_idnumber   string no
id card number or passport number if physical person, else registration number (SIREN)
x-rs_company_number   string no
The company’s number for Moral Person.
x-rs_reg_identity_no   string no
Registrant’s Residence Registration No. (13-digit)
x-rs_reg_tax_no   string no
Registrant’s GST/VAT number
x-ru_registrant_birth_date   string no
owner’s birth date (YYYY-MM-DD)
x-ru_registrant_kpp   string no
Territory-linked taxpayer number for PM registrants
x-ru_registrant_passport_data   string no
The number of the identity proof
x-ru_registrant_tin   string no
Taxpayer identification number for PM registrants
x-sa_company_number   string no
Company number for SA moral person registrant
x-scot_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-se_ident_number   string no
Swedish personal identity or organisational number or passport number, or id card number for individuals outside of Sweden
x-se_registrant_vatid   string no
vatid of the moral person
x-sg_idnumber   string no
Registrant’s id number
x-sport_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-srl_authority   string no
authority where the contact is registred
x-srl_licensenumber   string no
licence number
x-swiss_enterpriseid   string no
Swiss UID/IDE/IDI (ie. “”)
x-swiss_intendeduse   string no
Intended use for domain name
x-travel_uin   string no
an Unique Identification Number (deprecated)
x-tw_company_number   string no
The company’s number for Moral Person.
x-uk_co_no   string no
The registered company number or the DfES UK school number of the registrant, mandatory for UK contact types LTD/PLC/LLP/IP/SCH/RCHAR.
x-uk_contact_type   string no
Contact type as defined at NOMINET
x-us_app_purpose   string no
Domain application purpose
x-us_nexus_category   string no
Applicant category
x-vn_company_number   string no
Moral Person company number.
x-vn_registrant_birth_date   string no
Birth date (YYYY-MM-DD) of registrant if Physical Person
x-vn_registrant_ident_number   string no
ID number of a Physical Person.
x-vn_registrant_job   string no
Registrant Job
x-vn_registrant_prefix   string no
Honorifics/personal title of Physical Person
x-xn–55qx5d_registrant_document_number   string no
Associated ID / organization number for CNNIC identification, for .xn–55qx5d
x-xn--55qx5d_registrant_document_type   string no
Type of document used for CNNIC identification, for .xn–55qx5d domains
x-xn–fiqs8s_registrant_document_number   string no
Associated ID / organization number for CNNIC identification, for .xn–fiqs8s domains
x-xn--fiqs8s_registrant_document_type   string no
Type of document used for CNNIC identification, for .xn–fiqs8s domains
x-xn–io0a7i_registrant_document_number   string no
Associated ID / organization number for CNNIC identification, for .xn–io0a7i
x-xn--io0a7i_registrant_document_type   string no
Type of document used for CNNIC identification, for .xn–io0a7i domains
x-xxx_membership_contact   string no
owner contact membership ID, obtained on the xxx registry website.
x-xxx_sponsored_community   string no
yes or no as answer to whether or not the owner is a member of the .XXX Adult Industry Sponsored Community
x-zuerich_uid_number   string no
Business Identification Number used in Switzerland (Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer)

used by ContactCheckDomain and DomainCreate

Name Description
sunrise Open for trademark only
landrush Open to organizations
eap1 Early Access Period, phase 1 (most expensive)
eap2 Early Access Period, phase 2 (slightly less expensive)
eap3 Early Access Period, phase 3 (slightly less expensive)
eap4 … and so on, each TLD having a different set of EAPs, see domain.price() for a list for each TLD
golive Open for everyone

parameter of contact.reachability.resend()

Name Default Type Mandatory
reach_info   string yes
email address of the contact that will receive the reachability email
contact   string no
handle of the contact that must be validated. If not set, use the contact of the given api key

parameter of

Name Default Type Mandatory
reach_info   string yes
proto email string no

used by ReachabilityReturn

Name Description
pending the contact has not been validated yet, wait for validation
done the contact has not been validated
failed the contact is not valid

parameter of contact.autofoa.count() and contact.autofoa.list()

Name Default Type Mandatory
<date_created   string no
<date_validated   string no
>date_created   string no
>date_validated   string no
date_created   string no
date_validated   string no
email   string no
items_per_page 100 int no
number of items returned for the pagination
page 0 int no
page number for pagination offset
sort_by   string no
used to sort returned items: date_created, date_validated, email

parameter of contact.autofoa.create()

Name Default Type Mandatory
email   string no



returned by contact.balance()

Name Type
annual_balance int
grid string
grid_hosting string
outstanding_amount string
prepaid struct
taxes struct

used by BalanceReturn

Name Type
amount int
currency string
date_created dateTime.iso8601
date_updated dateTime.iso8601
id int
status string
warning_threshold string

returned by contact.create(),, contact.list() and contact.update()

Changed in version 3.3.18: key validation has been added.
validation parameter.

Changed in version 3.3.0: keys security_question_num, security_question_answer are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

Name Type
brand_number string
bu struct
city string
community boolean
country struct
data_obfuscated int
email string
extra_parameters struct
family string
fax string
given string
handle string
id int
is_corporate boolean
jo_announce_number string
jo_announce_page string
jo_declaration_date string
jo_publication_date string
lang string
mail_obfuscated int
mobile string
newsletter int
orgname string
phone string
reachability string
security_question_answer string
empty string
security_question_num int
shippingaddress struct
siren string
state string
streetaddr string
third_part_resell int
type int
validation string
vat_number string
zip string

returned by

Name Type
date_created dateTime.iso8601
date_end dateTime.iso8601
handle string
hash_key string
proto string
reach_info string
required boolean
status string

returned by contact.autofoa.create() and contact.autofoa.list()

Name Type
date_created dateTime.iso8601
date_validated dateTime.iso8601
email string
id int